


She/her • 2003 • Ace (Apothisexual) • INFJ • Swe/Eng/ 한 (learning)

What I do

Graphic Design

Does all sorts of stuff in both Ps and Ai. Everything from logos and typography to art, edits, montage etc.


A side hustle that goes hand in hand with graphic design. Mostly nature and portraits but tries to do more creative photoshoots.


Everything from digital to traditional. Mostly digital, watercolour and acrylic.

Writing/ Storytelling

Novels, novellas, poems, "Aha!" ideas, you name it. Not the biggest fan of fanfics, mostly original stories.Read my stuff here!

What I tweet about

Main focus and tweeting


I also tweet about

SUPERBAND 1 & 2, Hoppipolla, JUST B, Rolling Quartz, N.Flying, Imagine Dragons, JANNABI, Xdinary Heroes, CNEMA, KARDI

Like too but only tweet about once in a while

BTS, 9001, Sleepy Fish, general k-bands

Further information about this Twitter user

  • I'm pretty quiet when it comes to writing on the tl, but I'm a master at liking and retweeting stuff.

  • My Twitter is mostly for me to share art, find others who like the same thing as I do and archive things from my favourite bands.

  • I strive to make my account and tl as happy and lighthearted as possible!

  • If you want to use my art, please give credit!


LUCY (루시)


ONEWE (원위)
